ALSHAMIL ONLINE allows you to post your products very easily, LIKE: cars & machinery, number plates, fancy mobile numbers, jewelry, mobiles, your property (rent or sell), fashion, electronics, watches, furniture, and you can find all kinds of services you are looking for through the app, and the users can make their purchases directly from the sellers either in UAE or any other country.
-The items added by the ALSHAMIL ONLINE admin can be purchased online through the application.
-Easy to access any trader’s profile and contact them on several platforms and save products to your wish list.
-The traders can easily choose from our advertisement packages and pay through the app and enjoy posting their products and Edit their profile and changing passwords to manage their account.
-Easy to find any product or items you are searching for.
-ALSHAMIL ONLINE allows you to report any offensive content for your satisfaction and assurance.
-ALSHAMILONLINE gathers all the traders in one platform to find them easily as ever.
For inquiry +97143224000
Mobile: +971505050506
E: alshamilonline@gmail.coM